Many things could happen to a ship in its last voyage: for the luxury steamship Titanic it was tragedy; for Blackbeard the pirate’s Queen Anne’s Revenge it was notoriety; for the slave schooner Amistad it was freedom; for Cook’s exploratory ship Bark Endeavor and Columbus’ Santa Maria it was glory. What future awaits Coco Explorer II?
Last week, on the 16th of April, I celebrated Easter Sunday mass with the crew of Coco Explorer II. This was to be their final voyage. Feelings of thanksgiving for the past voyages mixed with anxious expectation over what awaits are painted over their faces as we joined together in the liturgy of Christ’s resurrection. After this last voyage, the crew members will be headed back home to see the faces they’ve long missed. And although the crew may never see each other again, they are full of hope to meet others in another voyage, in another ship.
They have taught me the meaning of Easter. Although Your earthly voyage of dying and rising has given us victory over evil, I must with a continued faith and hope sail towards the high seas over life’s daily battles knowing that in the end that last voyage will ultimately lead to You. And your parting words to me: "Fear not, I have conquered the world!" will see me through.