Monday, November 23, 2015

Long Live Christ the King! (Viva Cristo Rey)

In 1997, there was this Canadian-born director named James Francis Cameron who brought us the film Titanic. In this movie, there was this brave young lad named Jack Dawson who rescues this girl named Rose who was trying to jump off the ship. And here started a story of love. In one part of the movie Jack brings Rose to the bow of the ship. And there Jack goes to the front, stands facing the wind, stretches out his arms, and shouts: I am the king of the world! And at the end of the the story, Jack offers his life that Rose may live.

And today we remember a similar love story like that where a brave young man more than 2000 years ago rescued all of us from certain death... and there he stood facing all insults, nailed on a cross with arms out stretched and whispers to us in his dying breath: My child, take courage, I have conquered the world. And through that death on the cross he redeemed us all. He is indeed King of the world. Christ the King!

Do you know why  Pius XI instituted this feast in 1925. If you look at history, this was the start of so many terrible wars.. all because dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, and so many others came out and tried to be the greatest king of the  world.  At that time when people thought they would reign supreme Pope Pius XI wanted to remind everyone then that only Christ could be the true King and his ways were different from these earthly so-called leaders.

At this same time in Mexico, the President Calles declared war on the Catholic Church. He closed down seminaries and convents. Catholic schools and properties were confiscated. Hundreds of foreign priests, and religious men and women were expelled and forced to leave the country. The president with his new laws has removed Christ from the altars. And so those who chose to remain and fight the system brought Christ into their hearts and were called Christeros (the men that fought against their government to protect their faith). At this time, many priests were martyred while celebrating mass, either by being shot or beheaded. In a last affirmation of their faith, these Cristeros would shout, "Viva Cristo Rey!" (Long Live Christ the King!) just before dying.  Padre Miguel Agustin Pro was one of the best known of the martyred priests. Pro used elaborate disguises so that soldiers would not recognize him as a priest. He visited the faithful often dressed as a beggar. He administered the sacraments, provided jokes and laughter, and helped financially those in need. Padre Pro would disguise as a businessman to enable the rich families to receive the sacraments. Pro was arrested for being erroneously linked to a car bombing. Calles took advantage of the opportunity to execute a priest publicly to discourage other priests from joining the Christeros. At his execution Padre Pro carried a small crucifix and his rosary and held his arms out forming a cross as he was shot, he shouts: Viva Christo Rey! long live Christ the King.

At around this same time, there was this young boy named Jose Sanchez del Rio. Jose told his mother "In order to go to heaven we must  go to war" and begged her to allow him to go fight alongside the Christeros, his mother eventually submitted and allowed Jose to join the cause. Jose became a Christero and was well accepted by his comrades. In a major battle Jose was transporting ammunition to the soldiers when he noticed that his general's horse had been shot dead and the general was laying on the ground in a vulnerable position. Seeing that his general may be killed Jose rushed to the officer's  assistance and gave up his own horse, the general hesitated but Jose insisted that the general save himself. Jose was then captured by the soldiers.

The soldiers then decided to kill Jose, and decided to torture him first. They cut into Jose with machetes and with every slash into the his body Jose cried "Viva Christo Rey". The soldiers told him "If you just shout 'Death to Christ the King' we will spare your life" and as they continued to torture him be began to shout louder: "Viva Christo Rey!" Seeing that the boy would not submit the soldiers cut off of the soles of his feet and forced him to walk on salt. The soldiers escorted Jose through town, as he walked on the cobblestone roads he left puddles of blood behind him, he continued to endure the pain. When they reached the place where he was to be murdered, the commander gave the order for Jose to be bayoneted, the soldiers stabbed the boy over and over and every time the steel  entered his body the whole town could hear the boy's cries: Viva Christo Rey!. The commander became enraged by the boy's display of faith, pulled out his pistol and shot Jose, instantly killing him. Jose was 14 years old when the was martyred for the faith in Christ the King.

How many of us would die for Christ the King these days? Would we look death in the face, suffer torture and ridicule in defense of Christ's Church? Will we stand up when people defile the house of God?  If a boy could endure these pains for his faith why can't we defend our religious freedom?  When others persecute us, when millions of children are being murdered in the womb, when governments threaten to remove God from every public monument and document, will we just back out of our faith?

When Pilate taunted Jesus where are those of your kingdom who will protect you now: "My kingdom is not of this world... it can only be in the hearts of men and women who will accept my reign."  So, shall we?

Check, C. ( 2007). Viva Cristo Rey!¡viva-cristo-rey

Monday, November 16, 2015

33rd Sunday Ordinary B - The Final Star Wars: Will the Force awaken?

Next week will be the end of the long 34 weeks of Ordinary time. Ordinary time represents our life journey on this earth. And this month of November reminds us of the end of life and of the last things.  This 33rd week reminds us that our life journey is ending, that the war is nearing the final battle. And that there is little time left.

A Bible study group was discussing the end of the world - the unforeseen possibility of their sudden death. The leader of the discussion said, ” We will all die some day, and none of us really know when and how. What would you do if you knew you only had 2 weeks of life remaining before your death, and then the Great Judgment Day?”

A young guy said, ” I would go to confession and then go out into my community and minister the Gospel telling them the end is near.”  One lady spoke up, “I would dedicate all of my remaining time praying to God for my family, my friends, my parish and myself.” But one gentleman in the back finally spoke up loudly and said, “I would go to my mother-in-law’s house for the 2 weeks.” 

Everyone was puzzled by this answer, and they ask, “Why your mother-in-law’s home?”  “Because that will be the longest 2 weeks of my life!” 

When you are on the winning side and with people you like, time is short, but when you are on the losing side and have to deal with people you don’t get along with, time is long. But truth is, time will end.

The bible is full of these stories about the end of time - the Apocalypse. We call these stories like the one of today in book of Daniel - Apocalyptic writings.  All throughout history the Jews, who consider themselves as “the children of light” were always beseiged and defeated by their enemies… by the Babylonians, by the Assyrians, by the Persians, who in the process destroyed their temple and herded them into exile.  In the time of Jesus, the Romans were considered the evil empire oppressing the Jews. In fact in 70 CE the Roman legions under Emperor of the empire Titus, destroyed the Second Temple of Jerusalem. 

And so the Apocalyptic messages of the Bible were like secret coded messages which only the Jews and not their opponents could understand to encourage them to keep on fighting the war against the darkness. It was a war of Good versus Evil, of the Light side versus the Dark Side - It was a battle that began at the beginning of time when the forces of Lucifer the dark angel refused to serve God and turned against Him. From that time onward, God’s forces led by Archangel Michael was in constant battle with the Dark side led by Lucifer who was now named Satan. 

It’s pretty much like the star wars movie. In the movie it was a battle of the dark forces of the Empire called the Siths commandeered by Darth Vader against the forces of the light side - the Jedi knights. Here you see the Dark side always seemingly winning and gaining the upperhand when they got rid of almost all the Jedis. But then there was Luke Skywalker a young lad who decided to lead the battle against the mighty Dark side. So he trained with this Jedi in exile named Yoda. 

Yoda: A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. If once you start down the dark path, it will dominate your destiny, consume you it will.  Luke: Is the dark side stronger? 
Yoda: No.  Only quicker, easier, more seductive. 
Luke: But how am I to know the good side from the bad? 
Yoda: You will know... when you are calm and at peace. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, NEVER for attack. 
Luke: But tell my WHY I can't... 
Yoda: There is no "why".  In short you just have to believe.

So how will we win? We don’t. Throughout these 34 weeks you see the message of Jesus as: Deny yourselves. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…. “Those who make their life secure will lose it, but those who lose their life will keep it.” Is that a way to win the battle by literally trying to lose it? The pervading symbol we see is our leader being maltreated unjustly and crucified on the cross. Do you see any victory in that?  The first reading from Daniel emphatically puts it: “There shall be a time of anguish, such as has never occurred since nations first came into existence.”  Even the gospel of today predicts: “There will be a long time of suffering. The sun will be darkened. The moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven. The powers of heaven will be shaken.” Frightening, isn’t it? 

That is probably why many switch sides from the light side to the dark side as Yoda would say - it’s quicker, it’s easier, it’s more seductive, and because there seems to be no victory in sight for us here. Now, do we leave Jesus Christ our leader just because he seems to be loosing the battle to the dark side?

There is this song written by R.City - two brothers Theron and Timothy: 

Their father was locked up for five years. And after their dad lost everything, their mother could easily have given up on their dad who seemed a loser. But during the time he was in prison, their mother would take them to see their father and not give up on him.  And so they’re still together to this day - for 36 years. Today, It’s the same with Jesus asking us: Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same? Will we remain loyal?

At the end, one thing will be sure. "the Force will awaken"- From the first reading book of Daniel: “Michael, the great prince, the protector of your people shall arise.  Your people shall be delivered. The wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky and those who fought for righteousness - the side of the light - will shine like the stars forever.”  And the gospel concludes: “The Son of Man will be seen coming in clouds with great power and glory.  He will send out his Angels,, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.”

Now will that come true? All we have to do is believe and side with the light. Do you want to know how the prediction and the prophecy will be fulfilled? Watch out next week for the Season finale, the last episode - “The Return of the King: Jesus Christ - king of the universe.”

Monday, November 02, 2015

Nov 01 - Nobody is born a Superhero or Saint?

“Lord, this is the company of those who seek your face.” - They are those who entered heaven. They are those Jesus called "blessed." Today we celebrate them - they are the Saints. So how did they get to heaven?

After a long illness a woman died and arrived at the Gates of Heaven. While she was waiting for St. Peter to greet her, she peeked through the Gates. She saw inside a beautiful banquet table. Sitting around it were her parents and all the other people whom she had loved and who died before her. When St. Peter came by, the woman said to him, “This is such a wonderful place! How do I get in?” “You will have to spell a word,” St. Peter told her. “Which word?” the woman asked. “LOVE,” St. Peter said. The woman correctly spelled the word “LOVE” and St. Peter welcomed her into heaven. And she noticed, St Peter did the same with all those who followed her in line.

About six month later St. Peter came to the woman and asked her to watch the Gates of Heaven for him that day. Now, while the woman was guarding the Gates of Heaven, her husband arrived there. “I'm surprised to see you here,” the woman said, “How have you been?” Her husband told her: “Oh! I have been doing pretty well since you died.  I married the beautiful nurse who took care of you while you were ill. And then I won a lottery. I sold the little house you and I lived in for many years, and bought a big mansion. And my wife and I traveled all around the world. We were on vacation and went water skiing today. I fell, the ski hit my head and here I am.” Then he asked her, “How do I get in?” “You will have to spell a word,” the woman told him. “Which word?” her husband asked. She replied, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

So how do we enter the gates of heaven?  We have to become saints. Just remember no one is born one, we have to become one.

Last night was Halloween and among the costumes I like are that of the Superheroes. Especially the one with S - Superman or Supergirl? For me S is for Saints. They’re the real superheroes. But there are two kinds of superheroes, those like Superman, the Flash, Supergirl who have inborn superpowers, and there are those like Batman, or the Green Arrow who do not have any but they use their courage, intelligence, and will to become one.

You see with superpowers or none, they all have to choose to become a superhero. There are those who have superpowers and yet they chose to become supervillains. Superheroes choose to defend the poor, the oppressed and those in distress. Nobody is born a superhero, you have to become one.

As with superheroes so it is with the saints. Nobody is born a saint. You have to become one. But father,  you might ask, some saints have healing powers like the Just League of Apostles.  Others can bilocate like Padre Pio, San Isidro, St Alphonsus, or control animals like St Francis of Assisi, St Martin de Porres... still others can levitate like Joseph of Cupertino, we can't be like them.  Consider St. Margaret of Cortona. As a teenager, she was the mistress of a young nobleman. She lived with him for nine years, even had a son with him, hoping at some point her lover would marry her. He never did. When the husband was murdered, the shock caused Margaret to re-evaluate her life. She went on to take vows as a Franciscan. Her son also joined the order.  She was canonized in 1728.

Nobody is born a saint.  You have to become. There was this Vladimir of Kiev in Russia had hundreds of concubines, multiple wives from around the world, so many children that everyone lost count, and an army of pagans.  He was a pretty mean guy. From the start of his reign in 980, he conquered lands, slaughtered people, and partied hard. In 983, after another of his military successes, Prince Vladimir and his army thought it necessary to sacrifice human lives to the gods. A lot was cast and it fell on a youth, Ioann by name, the son of a Christian, Fyodor. His father stood firmly against his son being sacrificed to the idols. He cried out: ‘Your gods are just plain wood: here today, gone tomorrow; whereas there is only one God — and He created heaven and earth. And your gods? They created nothing but terror and destruction!’”  This speech made Vladimir to reflect on all he had done. He converted and brought many missionaries to Russia. He is now St Vladimir the great, patron saint of Russia.

Nobody is born a saint. You have to become one.  In the 1920s, the least likely candidate for sainthood would probably have been an anarchist and communist from Brooklyn named Dorothy Day. She worked as a journalist and spent many nights drinking with famous writers like Hart Crane and Eugene O’Neill. She had an abortion, and a broken marriage, before finally being drawn to Christ, and the gospel, and converting to Catholicism. Her conversion led her to embark on a radical ministry to the poor, one that is still changing the world. She’s now a candidate for sainthood.  

Saints are closer to us than we may realize. They have struggled with sin and temptation, they’ve walked the journey toward holiness, sometimes stumbling, sometimes falling, but always getting back up and moving on, resolving to do better, to be better, to aim higher. Saints after all are sinners who kept on trying.

They worked to be what this gospel is calling us to be.  To be poor in spirit.  To be meek.  To be merciful.  To make peace.  This is how we begin to become what Jesus calls “blessed,” and this is what the Church calls saints.  It’s a tall order. And it is nothing less than a call to greatness.  But this feast day reminds us, whether we realize it or not: it can be ours. This kind of greatness is within our grasp.

All the saints. They give us hope. Because they assure us again and again: no one is born a saint.  But every one of us, by the grace of God, can become one.  As St John has told us today: “Beloved we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. But we who hope in God strive to purify ourselves just like He is pure. So that at the end, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.” 

Adapted from: