Monday, October 10, 2005

The Times of Your Life

Yesterday some of my former Khmer students (whom I taught English, Computer, Marketing, Origami, and even Basketball) came to visit me. We then chanced to look at their picture of years back (like the one displayed here) and talk about those times.
How different things are now. This time some of them are already mothers (one even brought her two year old for me to play with).

I heard it once said that for a person's destiny to be complete one has to do three things in life: (1) plant a tree, (2) write a book, and (3) sire a child.

Well I've planted my trees but I don't think I could do the two latter ones. It seems my students are ahead of me now... But I'm not envious... I'm happy when I hear them call me "Father." And now to their kids, they point at me and tell them: "That's Lohk Tha (Grandfather)."

So You see, I'm happy calling You: "Abba" too. But I wonder how Your Name would sound had I sired a child?