Tuesday, October 18, 2005

School Pedestrian Lane

Normally in many countries, the policeman stops the traffic or the motorists stop by themselves whenever they see children crossing the street after school.
Today I saw two parallel lines of children, hand in hand, literally blocking the vehicles coming from both sides of the road, so that other school children could cross the street safely after class hours. It was like Moses parting the red sea so that the Israelites could cross.

Is it the lack of patience or the lack of concern on the part of the motorists here that made school children resort to such unique tactics? or is it just lack of discipline? There seems to be little regard for traffic laws in this country . On the roads you see both LHD and RHD vehicles (the latter being illegal). Motorcyles, bicycles and cars easily counterflow and are not caught. But an interesting thing is when you are caught by the police you could bargain for the fine (like from $10 going down to $1 - depending on the violation and how many policemen there are waiting for you).

This reminds me of religious discipline. Would I need an external barricade or would I stop on my own because I believe in it?
Discipline, they say, is when you do things you are supposed to do even without anybody watching! (hmmm... except You, of course!)