We opened our schoolyear two weeks ago. A very unique incident (for DB Cambodian schools) happened. One of the students accepted for the girl's sewing department passed off for a girl (looks like a girl, dresses like a girl, but really a boy- check out the picture!). She/he even got a place in the girl's dormitory until the girl's found out that she/he was not of their kind.
So the rector searched out the documents after a complaint from the girl's hostel. All school documents registered him/her as female.... but the family book entered his birth as a boy. After meeting with the parents, the rector concluded that obviously and definitely he/she could not be accomodated in the girl's hostel.
As for studying in the sewing department, the rector allowed him/her to continue on one condition (school policy)... that he/she dresses up like a boy. But he/she couldn't give that up cause "she was a girl trapped in a boy's body" and decided not to stay. So we wish him/her good luck in her next course of action.
I know You love us all for what we are, but sometimes we're never really contented with what you give and what we have. And as they say, true peace can only come with contentment.