Sunday, November 06, 2005

Building a website

After some experimental blogs and a freebie website, I felt its high time that our organization should have its own web presence. They say the best things in life are free! So I tried to negotiate with some people in the other end of the world who agreed to register us a domain name as well as host the site (yes, they're paying and with no banner ads attached). After a week of haggling for the domain name (got a TLD! but could not get a .kh which I wanted) and setting the conditions with them, I decided to give it a test run. So I used old contents (from the www) just to see how the links would flow. Ok I'm getting too technical.
In short, I've been working late nights on it. I hate "page under construction" so you'll find lots of potpourri pages even in the khmer language. I just needed to see how it would come out in the other side of the fence in order to further tweak it. And oh, you'll find lots of dead ends. Don't forget to e-mail your comments about and enter at your own risk! lol :)

You (owner of 3W-Whole,Wide,World) know what that reminds me of? that my life is somehow like this website... with many pages under construction, with some good links and broken ones, and with a lot of dead ends too. But just like a web page, I could always click the "back" button and go back to You where it's cozy and safe!