In the readings today, we find three good men who became victims of
unfortunate events. In the 1st reading, Job, a good man, says: "My life
is like the wind, I shall never see happiness again." This was because after so
much honest and hard work, Job’s life becomes fruitful – children, wealth,
flocks, servants… until misfortune befalls him, and takes everything away, except his nagging wife. In the 2nd
reading we find Paul, a good man who only wanted to reach out to people and
tell them of the good news. In the process he was flogged, imprisoned,
shipwrecked and later killed. In the Gospel, there is Jesus Christ, a good man,
who healed the sick, cast out demons, and preached kindness. And he is maligned,
persecuted, despised. So, why do bad
things happen to these good people?
Through the ages people have tried to give an answer to this question :
The Mathematician Augustus DeMorgan, 1866 came up with the Murphy’s Law:
that can go wrong will go wrong.
Psychologist Scott Peck , 1978, wrote in his book: Life is difficult.
Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump (1994): Life is like a box of chocolates… you never
know what you’re going to get.
One day in Boston, Massachusetts, there was this good and upright rabbi
- Harold Kushner who was told by the doctors that his 3 year old son Aaron
would never grow taller than 3 feet since he suffers the symptoms of progeria
“rapid aging.” This news devastated him. He wondered why the God to whom he had
been so loyal to could do this to him. And so Harold Kushner contemplated on
this mystery of life and came up with his book: “When Bad Things happen to good people.”

It seems to be the case with nature. It does not discriminate between
good and bad, the faithful and the faithless, the criminals and the saints.
Rain pours on the good and bad alike right? But, why does a poor village have
to get wiped out in a landslide because the rich plundered their forest ? Why
does a mother lose her baby after all the care she had given? Why do innocent
people die when they collide with a drunk driver?
Why do the good have to
Many times we blame God, ourselves, everything, when we cannot find an
answer and explanation to this question. Somehow, maybe, just maybe, the
question isn’t “why do bad things happen to good people?” Probably, the better question
to ask is: “What do we do when bad
things happen to good people (or us)?”

Soon Pollyanna taught the game to her neighbors who were inspired by
her sunny disposition to life. Until one unfortunate day Pollyanna fell from
the top story of the house and lost the use of her legs. She fell into
depression. But all the neighbors visited her and told her how she had inspired
them to find something to be happy about in every situation. And so, Polyanna did
not give up hope that someday, she would be able to walk again. I will not tell you the end of the story,
you’ll have to read it yourself.
Let us remember that God allows things to happen for His reasons, whether or not we understand them. We must remember that God is good, just, loving, and merciful. Oftentimes things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. However, instead of doubting God's goodness, maybe it would be better to trust Him. As Proverbs would put it: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6)
Let us remember that God allows things to happen for His reasons, whether or not we understand them. We must remember that God is good, just, loving, and merciful. Oftentimes things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. However, instead of doubting God's goodness, maybe it would be better to trust Him. As Proverbs would put it: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6)
E. (2011). “Bad Things Happen to Good People, But Is It Our Fault?”
Murray. “Pollyanna and the Glad Game: A Potential Contribution to Positive
Psychology.” Journal of Positive Psychology 2, no. 4 (2007): 219-227.
E. H. (1913). “Pollyanna.” Bibliomania.