Last week I had to take a 400km journey back to the capital Phnom Penh in order to administer the entrance test of the University of the Philippines (Open University). I practically spent an entire day (7:30 am - 6:00 pm) in the bus. Here's what and here's why:
1. My ticket reads 7:40 am and they ask you to be there a few min before so I seat at 7:35. Bus leaves at 8:15. Don't ask why, that's the excitement of being in Cambodia.
Here's a common sight in Poipet as the bus moves out. Overloaded transpo!

2. Lucky for me, I get seated beside a Cambodian buddhist monk. Strange though, I speak

Khmer with him and he starts speaking English with me. Anyway whatever the language, we had a grand time sharing stories for hours. Hey I got to know his entire 7 year journey as a monk, a journey that spanned from Prey Veng, Phnom Penh, to Poipet - that's practically spanning the whole of Cambodia from east to west... and all in a few hours. Well I could identify with it because that's the way my assignments went also... I practically lived in all our Don Bosco presences here.
3. Any exciting road trip here would not be complete without either a breakdown or a flat tire. A few weeks back I enjoyed the former, now this time it was the latter.


. Again for some this period is called waiting, for others like my holy friend it's meditation, still for some it's cancer break (you can't smoke inside the bus). For me it's a time to cherish... well ok it's better than being bored and definitely much more fruitful. You know, smell the weeds, watch the cow carts pass by...

I saw this man climbing the palm tree and retrieving the palm juice extract. It's something like what I usually see them do with the coconut trees in the Philippines as they come up with that coconut liquor thing.
Others took the opportunity to buy such exotic drink which they do not usually get in the city.
5. There are many more things that happen along the road to Phnom Penh, but if everyone of them were written down , I suppose the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (something like Jn 21:25'ish).