I think the window is a kind of structure which separates two worlds. Take for example your house window. A person who sits in front of it belongs to the world of the house which may perhaps be so peaceful and safe. And yet the window also allows the same person to stare at another world outside where perhaps it may be more noisy and risky.
But here in Poipet, if you peep through this church (actually a small room) window you’ll just see a big wall staring back at you. Interestingly, this window looks inwards. For two Sundays now I noticed this little girl curiously looking at us inside the room (I got to take her picture too). Surprisingly, she stood there by the window until the end of the service actively participating in the singing and in the prayers.
Another kind of window that looks inward are one's eyes. The eyes are two windows – you can let good in or evil in. And whichever you let in takes possession of your heart. You have a window, too, and You have promised that, if we obey You, and open the windows of our lives upon others, You "will open the windows of Heaven, and pour out such a blessing, there will not be room enough to hold it." (Mal.3:10)