Today in English class we encountered the word - "spaghetti" with a matching picture in our book. I got blank stares so i asked how many have tasted this Italian dish. Surprisingly only 2 out of 20 raised their hands (I think the two who did even misunderstood the question).
All the time I thought everyone knew what I was talking about. After all, I thought, in my country even the poorest has one time or another tasted it in MacDonalds or Jollibee. Well that ended their lesson for the day...
But not mine. I learned some things else. I think I have the tendency to pre-suppose what others know. Maybe in this setting I should go slower.
I shouldn't even presuppose they know You. Of course that would make things more difficult for me. So "how should I introduce You to them?" - when all the time I thought everybody knew You. In my past experiences I've seen people who attest that they do not believe nor know You, but they actually call on You especially in desperate moments.
But then again, maybe I should just start with the spaghetti first.