Sunday, November 10, 2013

International Conference on Salesian Historiography (EAO region)

I was fortunate to attend the Conference on Salesian Historiography for the East Asia Oceania region from November 4-8, 2013. But because of Typhoon Haiyan, no planes could fly out of the area that Friday, so the conference was extended and finished on November 9, Saturday. It was dubbed as:
"The State of Salesian Historiography and the Conservation and Development of the Salesian Historical Patrimony in the EAO Region."(click on the link and you get to see the whole program from the site)

Ok you and I know this is not my line. I'm... really grappling with history here.... terrible at dates, forget names, and can't even complete our own Community Chronicle here in Surrey.  So technically I wasn't supposed to be there. But since so far, it so happened that I was the only one who took a course in Knowledge Management, so they asked me to write and present a paper on "The Management of Historical Information and Knowledge for Salesian Historiography."(click on the link if you wish to read the paper)
Simply put I evaluated and categorized the existing usage of local Salesian Historical data in the region and suggested ways to optimize the existing efforts of various provinces. I just had to introduce the concept of the "metadata mentality" to assure the completeness of digital historical footprints these "local salesian historians" store.